Work - Chirurgijn, Apotheker, Vroedmeester

De dorpschirurgijn (the village surgeon), Jan Baptist de Wael, 1642 - 1669
Public Domain, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Work is the theme for week 36.  Examining your ancestor's occupation is a great way to build context.  Do you have an ancestor with an "unusual" occupation? Have you found records relating to any of your ancestors' lines of work? Do you have photos of them at work? 

For this post I am highlighting my direct ancestor, Gerrit Lourenszn Wit.   He was probably born late 1787, judging by his christening date of 10 February 1788, in the Beemster, Noord Holland, The Netherlands, as son of Lourens Gerritszn Wit and Jannetje Cornelisdr Kroon. I wrote earlier this year about Lourens Gerritszn Wit in a post for week 18 - Close Up and the confusion around his name. 

When Gerrit Lourenszn Wit married Maartje Stolp on 21 May 1812, at 24 years old, his occupation is given as Chirurgijn and Apotheker in the Huwelijks Akte (marriage record). But the date given for his promotion to Apotheker is stated as 20 October 1812 in Amsterdam in the registers published in Provinciaal Blad van Noord Holland. 

As Chirurgijn (surgeon) he was skilled in healing external health issues, such as wounds, skin conditions, and also bone setting. In small country towns it was more usual to be treated by a Chirurgijn for common ailments rather than the academically qualified Doctors.

When he became Apotheker (pharmacist) he was qualified to make medicines, though as a Plattelands Heelmeester - country healer - he would have already been permitted to make some medications, probably external applications like ointments.  As Apotheker he could now also make medicines for internal use, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Gerrit Wit is listed third from the bottom as country healer,
admitted in Haarlem, but resident in Zaandijk.
Provinciaal Blad van Noord-Holland, vol 7, 1826

The first record I could find for him in the healing arts was his registration as a Plattelands Heelmeester - country healer - from 14 December 1809 in Amsterdam. He was only about twenty-one years old and a resident of Zaandijk . 

The next registration shows that he advanced to Vroedmeester - midwife in December 1811, and in December 1812 he is listed in the register as Apotheker.
 I could not find a listing for him as Chirurgijn and at the time of his marriage he was not yet registered as Apotheker. A little puzzling.

Gerrit and Maartje had eight children, four boys and four girls. Their daughter Aafje Wit married Nicolaas Bronke, a wholesaler and grocer and their daughter, Johanna Cornelia Bronke, had two sons, Cornelis and Johannes Blomberg who also became apothekers.

Gerrit Lourenszn Wit passed away, aged thirty-nine, on 3 October 1827. 


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